| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Rahma Khazam

Rahma Khazam is a freelance music journalist based in Paris, France. She has an MA in Philosophy and a language degree from the Sorbonne. She is British, but has been living in Paris since 1981. She has written for the British music magazine The Wire, for the Xebec magazine Sound Arts and for a number of French publications. Her special interests are early electronic instruments and real-time interactive performance. She is a member of the UK Soundscape Community and is currently preparing a conference on the work of the Russian composer Nikolay Obukhov.

Journal Articles:
Special Section

Nikolay Obukhov and the Croix Sonore

December 2009

The Touch Festival

August 1999

Les Sculptures Sonores-the Sound Sculptures of Bernard and François Baschet

August 2000

Soundscapes Be)for(E 2000

August 2000

La Musique Electroacoustique

June 2001