| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Michael Punt

Editor-in-Chiefat Leonardo Reviews
United Kingdom

Michael Punt is a Professor of Art and Technology at the University of Plymouth. He is the founding convenor of Transtechnology Research which has a constituency of 20 international doctoral, post-doctoral and visiting researchers who use a range of practice and theory based methods in making apparent evidence of human desire and cultural imperatives as they are manifested in the way that science and technology is practiced, innovated by entrepreneurs and interpreted by its users. Topics currently being researched concern the historical and philosophical aspects of nineteenth century media and contemporary digital technology, cinema and the technological imaginary, cognitive aspects of industrial design, affective interaction and instrumentation, spatial awareness in scientific representation, and sustainable new materials for artefact engineering.

He is an international co- editor for Leonardo and Editor-in-Chief of Leonardo Reviews that publishes in excess of 150 reviews each year on science technology and the arts. He has founded Leonardo Quarterly Reviews, an experimental publishing platform published through MIT Press and UT Dallas, which is a digest of review items contextualized by newly commissioned essays on ‘burning issues’ in the art, science, technology debates. He is also a founding member of the Leonardo book series committee and advisor to Consciousness, Literature and the Arts (Rodopi).

Michael Punt practiced and exhibited internationally as a sculptor and film maker until 1990 when he brought the experience of his practice and research into film history to bear on a revisionist account of early cinema history as a consequence of a research grant at the University of Amsterdam. He subsequently extended this into a wider consideration of the cognitive determinants of technological form in audio visual media. He has jointly produced two books, made 15 films and published over 100 articles on cinema history and digital technology in key journals. Between 1996 and 2000 he was a monthly columnist for Skrien, the Dutch journal of audiovisual media, writing on the interaction between the internet and cinema as it was developing. In the past five years he has given papers and keynotes in more than a dozen countries and is working on a two-volume book project on new technology and imagination during the twentieth century.

He is a member of the AHRC Strategic Reviewers Group and is a reviewer and panel member for AHRC and EPSRC, the National Endowment for the Humanities, as well as for funding agencies, in USA, Canada, Portugal and the European Commission. He is also a member of the UK JHEP advisory board on cultural heritage.

His current academic functions at Plymouth are as a full-time research professor responsible for leading interdisciplinary research projects across the University with teaching responsibility for PhD supervision exclusively at Plymouth and external MSc Holistic Science dissertation supervision at Schumacher College.

Journal Articles:
Leonardo Reviews

Thinking with Sound: A New Program in the Sciences and Humanities Around 1900

August 2023
Leonardo Reviews

Endless Intervals: Cinema, Psychology, and Semiotechnics Around 1900

June 2023
Leonardo Reviews

Extinct: A Compendium of Obsolete Objects

April 2023
Leonardo Reviews

Words of Weather: A Glossary

February 2023
Leonardo Reviews

Dictionary of Untranslatables: A Philosophical Lexicon

October 2022
Leonardo Reviews

Medical Technics

October 2020
Leonardo Reviews

America as Second Creation: Technology and Narratives as New Beginnings

June 2005
Leonardo Reviews

Festival Il Cinema Ritrovato 2004

June 2005
Leonardo Reviews

Consciousness and Teleportation: The 6th Swiss Biennial on Science, Technics + Aesthetics/Bewusstsein und Teleportation: 6. Schweizer Biennale Zu Wissenschaft, Technik + Ästhetik

August 2005
Leonardo Reviews

Technology Matters: Questions to Live With by David E. Nye. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, U.S.A., 2006. 280 pp. Trade. ISBN: 978-0-262-140935

August 2007
Leonardo Reviews

Technology Matters: Questions to Live With by David Nye. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, U.S.A., 2006. 280 pp. Trade. ISBN: 978-0-262-14093-5

October 2007

From Soul to Mind: A History of an Idea

April 2015
Leonardo Reviews

Resisting Abstraction: Robert Delaunay and Vision in the Face of Modernism

October 2015
Leonardo Reviews

In Memoriam: Martha Blassnigg, 08 September 1969–27 September 2015

February 2016

Science, Culture and Epigenetics

April 2017

Human Consciousness and the Postdigital Analogue

April 2002

Abstract of “Cognitive Innovation: A View from the Bridge”

April 2017
Open Call to the Leonardo Community

Rethinking Leonardo

February 2003

Cognitive Innovation and the Cognitive Turn

October 2017
Special Section: ISEA 2002 Selected Papers

Orai and the Transdisciplinary Wunderkammer

June 2004
Leonardo Reviews

Seeing: How Light Tells Us About the World

February 2019

Renaming the Future

February 2004

From Méliès to Galaxy Quest: The Dark Matter of the Popular Imagination

February 2006

Ars Electronica 2001

April 2002
Leonardo Reviews

Toward a Science of Consciousness Tucson Convention Center, Tucson, Arizona, 8–12 April 2002. Sponsored by the Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Arizona

February 2003