Fabian Winkler
Professorat Purdue UniversityFabian Winkler is a new media artist and educator. His works connect digital and algorithmic systems to tangible objects and architectural structures with the goal to playfully and critically address aesthetic, social and environmental concerns.
For over a decade Fabian Winkler has collaborated extensively with Dr. Shannon McMullen. They define their art practice as “critical gardening” using art, digital media and social inquiry to investigate contemporary relationships, intersections and tensions between nature and technology. Their unconventional gardens are sites with expressive, conceptual and ideological qualities. As evocative installations, they create new visual metaphors that can help publics narrate, debate and act on ideas of future natures. For an online documentation of their collaborative art and research practice see: http://www.gardensandmachines.com.
Winkler received a Diplom der Medienkunst from the Karlsruhe University of Art and Design/HfG Karlsruhe (Germany) and an MFA from the Department of Design|Media Arts at the University of California in Los Angeles. He is a faculty member in the Department of Art and Design at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana where he founded the area of Electronic and Time-Based Art.