| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Ksenia Fedorova

assistant professorat Leiden University
Focus area: Art Theory, Critical Theory

Ksenia Fedorova is a media and media art researcher and curator. She holds PhD in Cultural Studies (University of California Davis) and Ph.D in Philosophy/Aesthetics (St.Petersburg State University, Ural Federal University). She is currently an Assistant Professor at Leiden University (NL).
She is the author of "Tactics of Interfacing: Encoding Affect in Art and Technology" (MIT Press, 2020) and the co-editor of "Media: Between Magic and Technology" (2014, in Russian, with Nina Sosna) and a special issue of Artnodes Journal "Theorising Media Art in Light of STS" (with Silvia Casini, 2025). Her other publications include articles in Leonardo Electronic Almanac, Media & Culture Journal, Acoustic Space, Dialog of Arts and other journals, as well as edited volumes, such as "Worlding the Brain. Neurocentrism, Cognition and the Challenge of the Arts and Humanities" (2023), "Aesthetics in Dialogue: Applying Philosophy of Art in a Global World" (2020), "Contemporary Visual Culture and the Sublime" (2017). In 2007-2011, she was an initiator and curator of the “Art. Science. Technology” program at the Ural branch of the National Center for Contemporary Arts (Ekaterinburg, RU). Prior to joining Leiden University in 2020 she was an Alexander von Humboldt research fellow at Humboldt University in Berlin. 
Ksenia’s research interests encompass media and media art theory and history, aesthetics, philosophy, science and technology and cultural studies, with a specific focus on the effects of new technologies on human perception and interaction. Most recently, her research concentrates on the questions of epistemic and social value of art&science interactions, interdisciplinary methods of knowledge production, nonhuman intelligence (both natural and artificial) and forms of its embodiment, as well as artistic discourse on sustainability and innovation. Other interests include the issues of transmediality, proprioception, augmented and virtual reality, diagrammatic modeling, affective computing, speculative design, and posthuman ecologies.   

Journal Articles:

Sound Cartographies and Navigation Art: In Search of the Sublime

January 2016
Tactics of Interfacing
Encoding Affect in Art and Technology