Teresa Wennberg
Independent Artistat Association of Little Hell, Inc.ace
Teresa Wennberg, born in Sweden, based in Stockholm and Paris. Originally a painter, she is a pioneer artist in video, computer graphics, Virtual Reality.
Selected exhiitions: Centre G Pompidou, Biennale de Paris, Fondation Gulbenkian Lisboa, Hara Museum Tokyo, Norrtälje Konsthall, Musée de Liljevalchs, Kulturhuset Stockholm, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo Santiago de Chile, Centre Internationale d'Art Contemporain Chateau Beychevelle France, Royal institute of Technology Stockholm, ICC Tokyo, Ludwig Foundation Habana Cuba, Musée IMEREC, Marseille, Forum, Parvis II Tarbes, Aalborg University Media Lab.
Collections: Stadtishes Kunstmuseum Bonn, Centre Georges Pompidou / MNAM Paris, Moderna Museet Stockholm, Moderna Museet Malmo, Swedish Chamber of Commerce Beijing, Institute of Contemporary Art Richmond, The Kitchen New York, Bibliothèque Nationale Paris, Norrtalje Konsthall Sweden, Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian Lisbon Malmohus Lans Landsting Sweden, Kijkhuis Den Haag, Aarhus Museum Denmark, Centre National d'Art Contemporain Grenoble, Umea Kommun Sweden, Hara Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Swedish Embassy Tokyo, Musee d'Art Moderne de St. Etienne France, Svenska Klubben, Paris, Musee National des Monuments Francais Paris, Royal Institute of Technology KTH Stockholm, Swedish Institute of Culture, Paris Statens Konstrad, Sweden, St. Martin Church, Corsavy P.O. France, private collections.