| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Janine Randerson

Associate Professorat AUT University
New Zealand
Focus area: Art Theory, Critical Theory, Cultural Practices, Social Practice, Data Art, Science, Digital Art, New Media, Digital Culture, Digital Humanities, Ecology, Environment, Experimental Music, Video, Film

The host of this event Janine Randerson is an artist and writer from Aotearoa New Zealand. Her moving image and performance-based works are exhibited in the Asia-Moana region and internationally. She practices in collaboration with community groups, tāngata whenua, and often with climate scientists, urban meteorologists, or glaciologists. In this event her role will be to host the conversation between three to five emerging and established woman or non-binary artists from the Moana Nui A Kiwa. These artists are staff or students at AUT University. They come from diverse areas of art practice but all engage in digital artforms.