| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Giuliano Obici

Prof. Adjuntoat Universidade Federal Fluminense
Rio de Janeiro,
Focus area: Art History, Computer Music, Electroacoustic Music, Sonification, Computer Science, Engineering, Data Art, Science, Design, Digital Art, New Media, Digital Culture, Digital Humanities, Environmental Art, Eco Art, Land Art, Experimental Music, Generative Practices, Generative Art, Music, Musicology, Net Art, Sound, Acoustics, Video, Film

Giuliano Obici (Maringá 1977) is a sound artist/researcher with academic background in arts, communication and psychology. He won the Giga-Hertz-Preis award from ZKM (Karlsruhe) and Experimental Studio (Freiburg), the Redbull Station artistic award (São Paulo) and research grants from DAAD, FAPESP and CAPES. His projects have been presented at festivals, galleries, museums and universities in America and Europe. He wrote the book "States of Listening: Medias and Sound Territories" and the PhD thesis "Gambiarra and Sound Experimentalism". Since 2015 he is an adjunct professor at the Art Department from Universidade Federal Fluminense in Rio de Janeiro where he organized the SomaRumor: Latin American Sound Art Meeting in 2019. 

Journal Articles:
Articles and Notes

Gambioluthiery: Revisiting the Musical Instrument from a Bricolage Perspective

December 2017