| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Marie Sester

PhD studentat California Institute of Integral Studies
United States
Focus area: Body, Self

Marie Sester is a French-American decades-long artist and current PhD student studying the nature of consciousness. Her artwork involves cross-disciplinary practices and experimental systems in Interactive Art using tracking technologies, light, audio, video, and biofeedback, focusing on social awareness and the responsibility of personal commitments. Her PhD work is in Integral and Transpersonal Psychology focusing on connectedness, expansiveness, and presence. More specifically, the correlation between a heart-located attentional posture and an expansive felt sense of connection with others beings and other situations. What happens when the self dwells in the heart, and engages with the world from there?

Journal Articles:
The Leonardo Gallery

New Horizons Award for Innovation in New Media

June 2001
Artists' Statements

L' Architecture du Paradis

February 2003