Maira Cristina Castro Mina
Research Assistantat Simon Fraser University
Maira Cristina Castro Mina is an Afro-Colombian woman interested in social and environmental leadership, especially in marginalized areas. She has a degree in International Business (Universidad EAN) and was awarded the 100,000 Strong Scholarship to study a Certificate in Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship at Portland State University. This opportunity taught her to understand that it is not enough “to teach how to catch a fish, but it is necessary to revolutionize the whole fishing industry” and how one cannot do this alone. Joint forces are needed.
Currently, she collaborates with social leaders in Guachene, Cauca, Colombia, in projects such as Empowering Guacenecena Women and Ancestral Afro-Colombian Knowledge. This collaboration is blended (online and in-person) because Maira Cristina lives in Vancouver and studies Interactive Arts and Technology MA at SFU.
Furthermore, she is working on her project “El Arte Te Da Vida, La Vida es un Bello Arte” (Art Gives You Life; Life is a Beautiful Art). The intended demographic population is youths from Guachene to invite them to explore their talents in music, dance, and theatre as an alternative to support their lives and connect with their community.