| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Lisa Hoag

Interdisciplinary Visual Artistat Lisa Hoag, MFA—Interdisciplinary Artist / Lisa Hoag Designs / Goddard College
Lisa Hoag, Artist, bio photograph in the mountains
United States
Focus area: Environmental Art, Eco Art, Land Art

BFA, Fine Arts, Parsons School of Design; MFA in Interdisciplinary Fine Arts, Goddard College.
Lisa Hoag is an award winning visual artist, designer, and interdisciplinary arts-innovation instructor, with an art practice of over 30 years. She has taught arts-innovation trainings in community since 2012, helping community members apply artists' innovation methods to creatively transform community challenges and vision new futures. She has created numerous collaborative arts-innovation exhibits, symposiums, and interdisciplinary public arts projects, to welcome everyday people into arts creation/participation experiences. She teaches studio art, and workshops in team collaborative innovation, and dialogue skills building.
Her current interdisciplinary art project, "Water Literacy: Trees Make Rain" seeks to raise popular awareness of the vital connection between trees and rain. Not only do trees seed two thirds of Earth's rain, mature forests literally create the winds and atmospheric rivers that bring rain to every place on Earth. New science reveals an emerging new paradigm for understanding climate change. Atmospheric Carbon's rise is only a symptom. The primary cause of climate change is destruction of biotic life on 40% of Earth's surface. Biotic life, in partnership with a healthy soil sponge, has regulated Earth's climate for millennia, by orchestrating the flow of water vapor, Earth's largest greenhouse gas. Through transpiration and precipitation, plants deliver excess heat to Earth's upper atmosphere, encapsulated in tiny mist droplets, where, during the condensation-precipitation phase, this heat is released into outer space, clearing the night sky, and maintaining Earth's constant ideal temperature, to support life's thriving. Through photosynthesis, plants transform sunlight into sugars, which feed all life. Where plant life is destroyed, and the soil is scraped bare, solar energy is transformed into albedo, heat, which reflects back into the atmosphere, raising Earth's atmospheric temperature.
The Water Literacy Project is an experiment to see if artists, through our power to help people imagine new visions, can raise awareness about how our global water cycles are orchestrated by plants and living systems.