| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Yimou Huang

studentat Sichuang Fine Art institute
United Kingdom
Focus area: Fine Arts 3D

Yimou Huang’s practice-based PhD explores the divergent influences of Chinese Taoism and Western Eco-Feminist thought on contemporary global art. It centers on the material aspects of dynamic forces, such as gravity, wind, and erosion. Yimou is particularly interested in transformational processes and their relation to traditional Chinese views on matter (stone, clay, wood, etc.), the Taoist notion of emptiness and action-through- inaction, and Eco-Feminist approaches to process, duration, materiality and action.
Yimou Huang was admitted to Sichuan Fine Arts Institute of China in 2015, majoring in sculpture. In 2020, he was admitted to Sichuan Fine Arts Institute as a post graduate student and won the fresh man scholarship.  In 2021, he studied arts and Humanities at The University of Dundee and award the second master degree. in 2023, he was admitted to Dundee university for PhD