Asa Calow
Creative Technologist
With over a decade’s industry experience he has worked on a range of social and commercial projects: from intranet web services for 3i and AstraZeneca through to hardware prototyping and co-design with hard to reach communities in North West England and data-driven textual analysis technology for a Yorkshire based startup. Current pre-occupations include: data‚ its analysis and visualisation, new methods for data collection/curation (“making the invisible visible”) and the current crop of realtime data technologies; Open Source hardware & manufacturing and the hardware-mobile interface; the application of human centred design in new environments. He is super excited to be part of the Code For Europe project‚ to collaborate with fellow European technologists, apply his expertise to building something new for some of Manchester’s greatest institutions The Whitworth Gallery, Manchester Museum, Manchester Art Gallery and carry out some interesting “civic hacks”! In his other life he is a founder/director of the Manchester Digital Laboratory, a community space for science, technology and art in Manchester City Centre which hosts meetups and workshops on everything from WordPress and Arduino through to DSLR film-making, 3D printing, “girl geeks,” coding for under-18s and more. He is also the organizer of DIYbio Manchester, “an institution for the do-it-yourself biologist,” as well as being a keen cook and accomplished home mixologist.