Stephen Guion
Researcher & Advocateat Independent ResearcherI was trained as a systemic neuroscientist in Munich, Germany; however, after working for a year as a polymer chemical engineer in the Technical University of Munich, I set out to explore more sustainable routes toward green chemistry. During this investigation, I became more involved with international initiatives in plastic waste remediation, adaptive agricultural engineering, and futurism ethics, which introduced me to training opportunities in foresight analysis. In 2021, I was invited to join a pilot doctoral program in Sustainable Development Policy, Economics, and Governance, while working on the board of the Institute for Environmental Diplomacy and Security (IEDS). After a year, I resigned from the academic portion of my work; however, remain ingrained in the international sustainable development conversation as an expert in responsible innovation, artificial intelligence ethics, and epistemic weight of futurism. Prior to my 2017 graduate education in Munich, I performed research at George Mason University in experimental linguistics, educational pedagogy, and cognitive & behavioral neuroscience, with a focus (i.e.; B.Sc.) in Physiological Psychology, Social Robotics, and Quantitative/Qualitative Data Analysis, as well as a study abroad thesis in Florence, Italy, researching art history materials and conservation. It's been a crazy ride!