| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Caterina Moruzzi

Design Informatics, School of Design,at University of Konstanz

Caterina Moruzzi is a Chancellor’s Fellow in Design Informatics in the School of Design, University of Edinburgh, working at the intersection between the philosophy of art, history and philosophy of human and artificial creativity, and the philosophy of AI. Her insights on art practices and the art sector come from her background as a classically trained pianist, while she deepened my expertise in philosophy of art during her Ph.D. (University of Nottingham, 2018) and the research of the latest years. She applies her specialistic knowledge in the philosophy of art and technology publishing extensively in the fields of philosophy of art, creativity, and philosophy of AI. She also collaborates with international academic and non-academic institutions in projects aimed at investigating the impact of Artificial Intelligence technologies in the creative sector.  Areas of interest: Human-AI co-creativity, philosophy of AI, authenticity, computational creativity

Journal Articles:
Artists’ Articles

The Algorithmic Pedestal: A Practice-Based Study of Algorithmic and Artistic Curation

October 2024