Lisa Rosenberg
Multidisciplinary Author, Educator, and Strategistat Lisa Rosenberg ConsultingPoet, essayist, and recovering engineer Lisa Rosenberg is the author of A Different Physics (Red Mountain Press, 2018). Lisa holds degrees in physics and creative writing, and worked as a research engineer in the development and production of photovoltaic systems for satellites and the International Space Station. She later founded a strategic consulting practice serving companies in multiple technology sectors. In 2017, she began public service, creating community and educational projects in her term as Poet Laureate of San Mateo County, California.
Love of space science, making, and exploration have fueled Lisa’s work in varied contexts and formats. She views the shared territory of art, science, and technology as essential to changing our modes of inquiry and enterprise to address urgent challenges. She is a frequent speaker on the confluence of arts and sciences, currently focused on building systems skills and awareness. She has engaged general and specialist audiences at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Chabot Planetarium, STEAM and Maker Space initiatives, and conference panels.
Lisa’s writing spans literary and technology venues, in journals, anthologies, trade features, and research. Her poems explore natural and cultural landscapes, the influence of tools and inherited models, and patterns connecting diverse aspects of our universe. Her prose includes memoir, satire, hybrid forms, and essays addressing poetics, systems, and physics. Her writing is widely published, in venues such as POETRY, The Threepenny Review, The Common, Amsterdam Quarterly, Ruminate, Organizational Aesthetics, and California Fire & Water: A Climate Crisis Anthology.
Lisa’s polymath background includes Aikido, aviation (private pilot), design, and graphic and performing arts. She trained as a practitioner in the Feldenkrais® Method of Somatic Education, which continues to influence her work. She is fluent in English and French, and has a good working knowledge of modern Greek, being a longtime part-time resident of Ilia, Greece. She has received a MOSAIC America Fellowship, and a Wallace Stegner Fellowship in Poetry from Stanford University