| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Ana Jofre

Assistant Professorat SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Photo of Ana Jofre
United States
Focus area: Data Art, Science

Ana Jofre obtained her PhD in Physics from the University of Toronto, did Post-doctoral work at NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) in Gaithersburg Maryland, and taught -and did research - at the University of North Carolina in Charlotte for six years before transitioning her career towards the arts. She then completed her MFA at OCAD University in Toronto, then worked as a research fellow in the Visual Analytics Lab at OCAD University, and at the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics Culture Analytics program at UCLA in Los Angeles, California. Her publications and conference presentations cover a wide range of intellectual interests, from physics to critical theory, and she has exhibited her artwork internationally. Her creative and research interests include figurative sculpture, interactive new media, internet art, human-computer interaction, and data visualization. She is currently an Assistant Professor in Creative Arts and Technology at SUNY Polytechnic, in Utica NY.

Journal Articles:
Technical Article

Generating Facial Character: A Systematic Method Accumulating Expressive Histories

April 2022