Salomé Cuesta
Vice-rectorate for Art, Science, Technology and Societyat Universitat Politècnica de ValènciaUniversity professor in the Department of Sculpture, Faculty of Fine Arts of Valencia, Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV). Vice-rector for Art, Science, Technology and Society, Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) since 2021. Together with Mª José Martínez de Pisón and Trinidad Gracia, founder of the Light Laboratory Research Group (UPV). She is a member of the FECYT ACT Group that prepared the White Paper on the interrelationship between Art, Science and Technology in the Spanish state (2007). From 2003 to 2012, together with Bárbaro Miyares, she developed - an online platform for the production, diffusion and distribution of artistic practices. She collaborates, together with Juan Luis Moraza, in the publication "Art as a criterion of excellence" (2010), edited by the Ministry of Education in collaboration with the IAC. She participates as an instructor in the multidisciplinary team "Valencia UPV iGEM 2018".