| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Noemie Soula

Design Research Assistantat Lab4Living
United Kingdom
Focus area: Biology

Noémie Soula (FR) is an emerging design researcher, who has graduated in 2018 from MA Material Futures, Central Saint Martins, UAL. Her artistic practice is interdisciplinary, interweaving life sciences, storytelling and design, and focuses on exploring alternative futuristic scenarios. She mainly explores biotechnologies, biology, and the human body to engage the audience in current bioethical, bio-political and social discussions. Investigating the world through the crossing of disciplines thanks to active collaborations with experts and scientists, Soula speculates and creates future scenarios stimulating the audience's imagination. By playing with the visceral and the liminality between reality and fiction, the created artworks, physical or digital, seeks to engage a larger public into current and future uses of biotechnologies.
Currently appointed as a design research assistant at Lab4Living, Sheffield Hallam, University, UK.