| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Fiona Johnstone

The Visual & Material Labat University of Edinburgh
United States
Focus area: Art History

Hannah Star Rogers holds a PhD from Cornell University in Science and Technology Studies and an MFA from Columbia University. She is the lead editor of the Routledge Handbook of Art, Science, and Technology Studies and her monograph from MIT Press, Art, Science, and the Politics of Knowledge appeared in 2022. She is currently based at the University of Copenhagen where she is researching Metabolic Arts as part of a Novo Nordisk grant through the Center for Basic Metabolic Research (CBMR). Rogers works as a curator for art and science exhibits including  “Emerge: Artists and Scientists Redesign the Future” at Arizona State University, “Shadows and Ashes: The Perils of Nuclear Weapons” at Cornell University, and “Art’s Work in the Age of Biotechnology: Shaping Our Genetic Futures” at North Carolina State University and the University of Pittsburgh. Her exhibition “Making Science Visible: The Photography of Berenice Abbott,” received an exhibits prize from the British Society for the History of Science and resulted in an invited lecture at the Smithsonian Archives of American Art. hannahstarrogers.com

Journal Articles:
General Note

Metabolism and Art

August 2023

Art’s Work in the Age of Biotechnology: Shaping Our Genetic Futures

February 2022
Leonardo Reviews

Superhuman: Revolution of the Species Australian Network for Art Technology (ANAT) and the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), RMIT Galleries, Melbourne, Australia, 5 November–5 December 2009

October 2010
General Articles

Inseparable Impulses: The Science and Aesthetics of Ernst Haeckel and Charley Harper

October 2013
Leonardo Reviews

Art + Science Now by Stephen Wilson. Thames Hudson, London, U.K., 2010

April 2011
Leonardo Reviews

Picturing Science: Museum Scientists and Imaging Technologies

June 2015
Leonardo Gallery

Scientific Delirium Madness 3.0 Gallery

June 2017
Special Section: Leonardo Abstracts Service

Top-Rated LABS Abstracts 2017

October 2018
General Articles

Cheering Artificial Intelligence Leader: Creative Writing and Materializing Design Fiction