| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Stephen Roddy

Assistant Professorat Trinity College Dublin
Stephen Roddy Performance Madrid
Focus area: Computer Music, Electroacoustic Music, Sonification

I am an Artist, Researcher, and Lecturer based at Trinity College Dublin (TCD), where I hold an Assistant Professor role in Film (Digital Arts). I have a Ph.D. in Data Sonification, the use of sound to perceptualize data and convey information. My current research/practice is focused on the development of Cybernetic frameworks for the application of Sonification, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML), and Human-computer Interaction (HCI) techniques in the Creative Arts.

Journal Articles:
Special Section: Music and Sound Art

Signal to Noise Loops: A Cybernetic Approach to Musical Performance with Smart City Data and Generative Music Techniques

February 2023