| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Felipe Otondo

Senior Lecturerat Universidad Austral de Chile
Focus area: Computer Music, Electroacoustic Music, Sonification, Ecology, Environment, Environmental Art, Eco Art, Land Art, Experimental Music, Site Specific, Place Making, Sound, Acoustics

Felipe Otondo (1972) studied acoustics and composition in Chile where he developed various composition projects for experimental theatre. In 2005 he pursued his composition studies at the University of York in England with Ambrose Field and Roger Marsh focusing in electroacoustic composition and music theatre. His music has been played in festivals in more than 37 countries across Asia, Europe, North and South America. His research output has been published by important journals such as Acta Acustica united with Acustica, Computer Music Journal, Organised Sound and Leonardo Music Journal. Felipe is currently a Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Acoustics at Universidad Austral in Chile.

Journal Articles:
Special Section: Music and Sound Art

The Soundlapse Project: Exploring Spatiotemporal Features of Wetland Soundscapes

June 2022
Articles and Notes

Listening to Wetland Soundscapes

December 2018
LMJ28 Audio Companion

Sonic Commentary

December 2018