David Stork
Adjunct Professorat Stanford UniversityDavid G. Stork, PhD, is a graduate in Physics from MIT and the University of Maryland, and studied Art History at Wellesley College. He has held faculty positions in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Computational and Mathematical Engineering, Symbolic Systems, Material Science and Engineering, Statistics, Neuroscience, Psychology, and Art and Art History variously at Wellesley and Swarthmore Colleges, Clark, Boston, and Stanford Universities, and the Technical University of Vienna. He currently holds Adjunct positions in two departments and two programs at Stanford University where he teaches a range of courses, including computer analysis of fine art paintings and drawings. He has authored/co-authored over 220 scholarly publications and nine books/proceedings volumes, and holds 64 US patents. He is a Fellow of IEEE, OSA, SPIE, IS&T, IAPR, IARIA, AAIA, IAII, a 2023 Leonardo@Djerassi Fellow, and Visiting Fellow at the Aby Warburg Institute. He is widely considered the founding pioneer of computer methods for analyzing fine art, having published some of the field's earliest scholarly works, taught the world's first courses (at Stanford), co-founded its first conference (now called Computer Vision and Image Analysis of Art), and authored first book, Pixels & paintings: Foundations of computer-assisted connoisseurship (Wiley, 2024).