Mariantonia GonzalezValerio
Prof. Arte+Ciencia, UNAM
María Antonia González Valerio, PhD in Philosophy, full professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. She works within the ontology-aesthetics research line and within the interdisciplinary line of arts, sciences and humanities. Director of the research group Arte+Ciencia, which brings together artists, academics and scientists to work interdisciplinarily producing postgraduate education, specialized theoretical research, artistic creation and exhibitions.
Leader of the research project "Media and Species: Ecology and Evolution in Natural Philosophy" linked to the Faculties of Sciences and Philosophy and Literature at UNAM.
Books (selection): El arte develado (Mexico: Herder, 2005); Un tratado de ficción (Mexico:
Herder, 2010); (Ed.) Pròs Bíon: Reflexiones naturales sobre arte, ciencia y filosofía (Mexico:
UNAM, 2015); Cabe los límites. Escritos sobre filosofía natural desde la ontología
estética (Mexico: UNAM/Herder, 2016); (Ed.) Arte y estética en la filosofía de Arthur Danto
(Mexico: Herder, 2018).