| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Fernando Martín Velazco

Captainat Stultifera Navis Institutom
Fernando Martín Velazco
Focus area: AI (Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Deep Fakes)

He is a multidisciplinary artist and storyteller, and the captain of Stultifera Navis, an artistic research platform. His work focuses on expanded arts and performative literature based on research in wild areas. He has written for cultural publications in Mexico and international journals like Media N-Journal and Leonardo/ISAST.
He directed “The Leviathan's Playing” (2017-2021), an art-science research series with gray whales, supported by ACT-UNAM and FONCA, and won the second prize from the Quo Artis Foundation in Barcelona.
He has participated in artist residencies in Mexico, Austria, Saudi Arabia, and the USA, including the Djerassi program. He authored "Viajera del Noroeste" (2022), a transmedia project about gray whales, and created “Abintestato de Gumongo” (2023-2024), a live and digital arts show intertwining AI with the rituals and storytelling of the extinct nomadic peoples of Baja California's Central Desert. In 2023, he began "Tinnitus," an underwater soundscape storytelling project.

Journal Articles:
Special Section: Music and Sound Art

The Leviathan’s Playing: Retrospective on Mediations with Gray Whales in the Ojo de Liebre Lagoon (Mexico)

October 2022