Bhavani Esapathi
Founder & Directorat The Invisible Labs
I am an invisibly-disabled woman of colour born in India, living in the UK as an immigrant working between the intersections of art, healthcare, digital technologies and social activism. I make work, I write and I build digital systems that further the cause of representing everybody in the margins so that we can live in a fair & equitable world while at the same time also make it possible for the unheard to leave their mark in this world. My work is multi-faceted from writing journalistic to memoir-like texts, crafting digital narratives to build a global voice to working with medical imagining and interactive artworks that seek to spread better awareness on the variety of ways chronic, incurable, invisible autoimmune diseases manifest. I currently hold the ACE's prestigious DYCP Award and I am the Artist-in-Residence for the Cost of Innovation Programme at the award winning design studio Invisible Flock. Previously, I have worked with The British Council, The Victoria & Albert Museum, Athens Digital Arts Festival, London Digital Festival, David Attenborough Arts Centre, Disability Arts Online and Innovate UK to name a few.