Roy Williams
Retired Senior Lecturer, then Honorary Lecturer, Portsmouth Business School, Portsmouth Universityat University of Portsmouth
Designer, researcher, manager, in: Online learning networks (including MOOCs), Mathematics education, Montessori education, Narratives and auto/biographies, Synaesthesia, Affordances, Knowledge Management, Semiotics, Open research, Media analysis, Management of HIV/AIDs projects and education, Complex Adaptive Systems, and their application to management (particullarly of the internet and social media).
And published in all these fields, available on Research Gate, at:
Key posts and experience: Professor of Communication, Visiting Professor in Education, CEO and Board Member of South African Broadcast Regulator (IBA), CEO of Sached Trust (South Africa), Policy and Transitions to Post-Apartheid government, Desinger and Manager of elearning in Faculty of Technology (University of Portsmouth).
Current Projects:
Interactive, collaborative, resources and sites for:
1. Exploring Shakespeare's plays
2. Creating and sharing biographical narratives
3. Creating and sharing resources for early learning.
4. Consolidating theories and analyses on complexity and IT networks.