José-Ramón Alcalá-Mellado
Head Professorat Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha
José-Ramón Alcalá-Mellado (Valencia, Spain, 1960). Multimedia artist, curator, writer, art critic, and researcher of several national and international publications about Media Arts, Digital Arts & Culture, Digital Education, New Art Museum strategies. Head Professor of Art and New Media at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Cuenca (University of Castilla-La Mancha). Director of the international indexed journal ASRI (Art and Society; Research Magazine) ASRI. Co-Director of the Ibero-American Observatory of Digital and Electronic Arts (UDELAR, Montevideo / MIDECIANT, UCLM) OIADE. Director of the International Museum of Electrography (MIDECIANT) of CuencaMIDECIANT since its creation (1989) until 2018. Creator and coordinator for the "Contemporary Art Collections and Archives" (CAAC) of the Faculty of Fine Arts de Cuenca CAAC since its creation (2013) until 2018. Responsible for the creation of the Spanish Archive of Media Art (AEMA) AEMA/SAOMA . Head of the research group "Cultural Interfaces; Art and New Media" of the UCLM from its creation (2005) to 2018. National Award of the Royal Calcography (to the MIDECIANT)" for the innovations contributed to the graphic art ", Madrid 1999. Main researcher of R + D + i projects National and European excellence on applications of new technologies in artistic creation and virtual museography. Author of books, such as: La piel de la Imagen (Valencia, 2011); Ser Digital; Manual for converts to electronic culture (Santiago, Chile, 2011); How do I hang a virtual artwork? (Gijón, 2009); Monsters, ghosts and aliens. Poetics of representation in the cybersociety (Madrid, 2004); or Ars & Machina. Artistic Electrography in the MIDE collection (Santander, 2004). Director and curator of biennials and Awards, such as, the International Observatory of Electronic Arts of Gijón (OOH) OOH, Digital Art Awards LÚMEN_EX (University of Extremadura) LUMENEX , Festival of Electronic Arts of Valencia Digital Media 1.0 Digital Media 1.0 . As an artist he created, in 1983, the Alcalacanales team (with Fernando Ñ. Canales), whose exhibitions and activities related to artistic creation with new media continued on the international circuit until 1994. Artist in Residence at Tokyo Canon Art Lab (Japan, 1991-1992), granted by Canon Foundation in Europe.