Maja Spasova
Visual artist
Spasova is a researcher and an activist, modernistic and rebellious. She has located many of her projects in urban public spaces. Creating relations and processes where sound is an essential component, her art contemplates thefundamental conditions of life. She has exhibited at the International Biennale ARTEC, Japan; the Venice Biennial; ZKM Center for Art and Media, Germany; Dak’Art: African Contemporary Art Biennial, Senegal; Vandalorum Museum, Sweden and many more. Spasova's commissions include site-specific installation Bright Shiny Me by Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, site-specific installation My Darling by Stockholm CultureFestival and site-specific installation Winged by Swedish NationalArt Council. She has received numerous art awards and grants such as IASPIS, Sweden; Akademie Schloss Solitude, Germany; DRAC, France. Recently she was Artist-in-Residence at the Bogliasco Foundation. Spasova’s published work includes monograph Maja Spasova, Drawings (Arena, Sweden, 2014), the double CD-album Maja Af Svea with remixes of sound works (by OlofBright, Sweden, 2009). She received her education from the Academy of Fine Art, Sofia, Bulgaria and the Royal University College of Fine Arts in Stockholm, Sweden.