Laura Kim
Assistant Professorat The University of Texas at DallasBoulder,
United States
Focus area: Digital Art, New Media, Net Art, Performance Art, Theater Studies, Social Media, Social Networks
Laura Hyunjhee Kim is a multimedia artist who reimagines on/offline (non)human interactions and feelosophical experiences of the body. In 2020, Kim received the Judson-Morrissey Excellence in New Media Award and the Black Cube Video Art Award. She is the author of “Entering the Blobosphere: A Musing on Blobs” (The Accomplices / Civil Coping Mechanisms, 2019) and the coauthor of “Remixing Persona” (Open Humanities Press, 2019). She received a PhD in Intermedia Art, Writing and Performance (IAWP) from the University of Colorado, Boulder. Kim is an Assistant Professor of Visual and Performing Arts at The University of Texas at Dallas. She lives and works in the company of neighboring birds, squirrels, and wild rabbits of Texas.