| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Stanislav Roudavski

Senior Lecturer in Digital Architectural Designat Teh University of Melbourne
Focus area: Architecture, Design, Ecology, Environment

Dr Roudavski’s work explores practical and theoretical issues of more-than-human design. His research engages with philosophies of ecology, technology, design and architecture; design imagination; creative computing; parametric and generative processes in architecture; emergence and self-organization; complex geometries and digital fabrication; virtual and augmented environments; theory and practice of place-making; and practice-based research methodologies. His work has been disseminated through multiple academic publications and international exhibitions. Prior to his current academic position at the University of Melbourne, he worked on research projects at the University of Cambridge, had a teaching engagement at MIT and practiced architecture in several European countries.

Journal Articles:
Special Section: Abstracts from the Spectra 2018 Symposium

Abstracts from the Spectra 2018 Symposium Part 4: Interspecies

October 2021