| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Catherine Baker

Associate Professor Interdisciplinary Practiceat Birmingham City University
United Kingdom
Focus area: Body, Self, Fine Arts 2D, Medicine, Medicine, Physiology, Heath

Dr. Catherine Baker's interdisciplinary research is located within the genre of Arts and Science Collaboration. Her PhD investigated the role of eye movements within the act of drawing and interpreting landscape. In more recent years her focus has shifted towards clinical science working directly with patients whose condition or illness is hidden with its true impact only revealed by clinical diagnostic imaging processes that are able to 'look under the skin'. Her current project explores the relationship between phenomenology and illness considering the lived-body experience versus the more naturalistic view of the dysfunction of the biological ‘clinical’ body. The team working with Baker includes a surgeon, psychologist, human geographer and horticulturalist, together they are exploring physiognomic perception and the embodied subject in the environing natural world of objects through digital arts with young patients and their families.
Birmingham School of Art
Birmingham City University

Journal Articles:
Special Section: Science and Art: Understanding the Cross-Disciplinary Dialogue

Understanding the Cross-Disciplinary Dialogue

June 2021