Cécile Chevalier
Lecturer in Digital Practiceat University of Sussexsaltdean,
United Kingdom
Focus area: Analog, Art History, Augmented Reality, Computer Science, Engineering, Cultural Practices, Social Practice, Fabrication, Maker Art, Sculpture, Spacial, Sound, Acoustics, Systems, Wearables,Connected self
Cécile Chevalier creates and works with art installations & new instruments to investigates digital culture, bodies and networked technology, their expressions, oppressions, and omissions. Drawing from an interdisciplinary practice between systems art and technology, play theory, and feminism & intersections and technology. Her background is in Fine Art, Crafts & Design and Digital Cutlure Studies. Cécile is also co-founder of the Feminist Approaches to Computational Technology Network (fact.network), and co-founder of Intersections, Feminism, Technology & Digital Humanities network (IFTe.network, UKRI/IRC funded), as well as member of the Experimental Music Technologies Lab (Emute Lab) and associate of the Sussex Humanities Lab.
Journal Articles: