Sally Pryor
Learning Managerat Chameleon SoftwareDr Sally Pryor is an Australian writer and artist, working with a range of media including computer animation, electronics and interactive multimedia. She has diverse expertise: in biochemistry, IT, moving image, communication and technology.
As a pioneering 3D computer animator in the early 1980s, the author of “Thinking of oneself as a computer” in 1990 and the creator of an internationally award-winning CD-ROM, “Postcard from Tunis” in 1997, Sally continually bridges the changing boundaries between communication, art, technology and science.
More recently she has tackled Integrationism, a ground-breaking theory of language and communication that provides an exciting, if challenging, approach to innovation at the human-computer interface. Woven through most of Sally’s work is a developing awareness of gender. Sally’s latest work, “Carrot on stick” is a robotic, Arduino-based piece, exploring the addiction to screens.
See also Sally Pryor, "Thinking of Oneself as a Computer," Leonardo 24, No. 5, 585-590 (1991).