Matt Gorbet
Researcherat Florida International University
Matt Gorbet twists technology to create the unexpected; he co-founded Gorbet Design, Inc. to create unconventional objects and experiences in public spaces. These artwork and installation projects have been exhibited internationally and installed permanently in retail, hospitality and educational environments.
Matt is a key contributor to the Living Architecture Systems Group and is on the advisory board of the Calm Technology Institute. He has developed and taught Physical Computing and other design courses at the University level. He previously led a 5-year project designing the infrastructure for the "Art+Technology" public art program at the San José International Airport, including several collaborative commissioned artworks.
Among the first graduates of the Tangible Media Group at the MIT Media Lab, Matt went on to become a member of the research staff at Xerox PARC in the 1990s, where his multidisciplinary team pursued speculative design of new document genres. He holds several patents on novel interaction technologies.