DR.at Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern HospitalDr. Fung is known for generating artworks directly from medical imaging datasets, extending medical imaging into the realm of fine art through integration of art, science & technology. As a medical doctor and specialist in radiology, he made use of his professional expertise in peeping into the inner workings of the human body in an aesthetic and informative way. He developed his own color spectra and mapping algorithms for 3D rendering of CT & MRI scans. He pioneered a unique color concept known as “Rainbow Technique” in 2006 that utilizes contour line effects to define 3D forms and space, with each contour line a rainbow of colors. He developed stereoscopic color 3D & 4D medical visualization, adding an extra dimension to his artworks. In 2010, he pioneered stereoscopic 3D & 4D color Moiré art generated from CT and MRI scans. Dr. Fung’s most well known piece “What Lies Behind Our Nose?” co-won the first place in the 5th International Science & Engineering Visualization Challenge sponsored by Science and the National Science Foundation (2007). His work was named “Best Science Picture 2007” & “Top Ten News Photo Galleries 2007” by National Geographic and “Most Psychedelic Images in Science” by Discover (2010). He has a permanent exhibit of stereoscopic 3D & 4D anatomical art in the Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences. Publications: [Leonardo 2006] "The Rainbow Technique: An Innovative Approach to the Artistic Presentation of 3D Computed Tomography”; [LEONARDO 2006] "Artwork Using 3D Computed Tomography: Extending Radiology into the Realm of Visual Art”; [LEONARDO 2010] "Creating Special Visual Effects with Moiré Patterns in Stereoscopic 3D and 4D Computed Tomographic Art.” [RadioGrapics 2008] "Using Three-dimensional CT to Create Fine Art".