| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Nina Yankowitz

Director Interactive surround video projectionsat Nyartprojects productions
New York,
United States
Focus area: Digital Art, New Media

link: https://vimeo.com/409620924/7e09aa541d With my interest to re-right history, I continue making sculpture installations and video projections about women Unsung (S)heroes who made major contributions to science but excised from records at the time of their discovery. I built an immersive steel aquarium sculpture installation portraying French marine biologist Jeanne Villepreux-Power. She made the first aquarium and discovered the Paper Nautilus mollusks secrete liquid to heal its shell when it breaks. After stepping thru a portal, people experience her discoveries, her challenges, and also hear perspectives via various visual media reflecting thoughts from different time periods that are projecting on the floor and four walls surrounding those inside this 360° Surround aquatic environment.

Journal Articles:


October 2010

The Third Woman

October 2010