Frederik Truyen
Professorat KU Leuven
Fred Truyen is professor at the Faculty of Arts, KU Leuven. He publishes on Digitization of Heritage, Photography and E-Learning in the Humanities. He is in charge of the mediaLab CS Digital. He was involved in many projects on digitization of Cultural Heritage, many in the context of Europeana. He has a large experience in data modelling and metadata development for Image databases in the cultural-historical field. His main research focus is the digital transformation roadmap for Cultural Heritage Institutions. Prof. Truyen teaches the courses Online Publishing and Digital Cultural heritage in the MA Cultural Studies and the MA Digital Humanities at KU Leuven. He co-teaches in Cultural Economics and Cultural Policy. Prof. Truyen is board member of the Europeana Network Association and is active in the field of European policies on Digitization of Cultural Heritage. He is also a member of CLARIAH Flanders. He is the president of Photoconsortium, an association for the safeguard and promotion of photographic heritage.