| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Ruth West

Professor / Directorat University of North Texas
United States
Focus area: , Sound, Acoustics, Net Art, Analog, , Urban Planning, Built Environment, AI (Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Deep Fakes), Augmented Reality, Sculpture, Spacial, Astronomy, Space, Biology, Computer Science, Engineering, STEAM, Pedagogy, Education, Design, Fabrication, Maker Art, Illustration, Painting, 2D Forms, Generative Practices, Generative Art, Medicine, Geography, Geo-Locative, Mapping, Medicine, Physiology, Heath, , Wearables,Connected self, Systems, Psychology, Cognitive Studies

Ruth West is an artist and researcher bridging data, virtual and augmented reality, wearable sensors, 3D fabrication, and mobile media with domains such as neuroscience, genomics, astronomy, urban ecology, microbiome, mobile health and digital remix culture. She creates works with multiple entry points that can exist concurrently as aesthetic experiences, cultural interventions or research and serve as the basis for artistically-impelled scientific inquiry and tools. This results in experimental artworks, large-scale public engagement, new knowledge and insight, cross-disciplinary educational and research opportunities and industry-academic-community partnerships. Ruth is a professor and founding director of the xREZ Art + Science Lab at the University of North Texas, cross-appointed in the College of Visual Art and Design and College of Engineering, with a courtesy appointment in the College of Arts and Sciences. Her work has resulted in over 90+ peer-reviewed exhibitions, publications, conference presentations and public talks, and has received both grant and industry sponsorship. Her professional experience includes leadership of departments, new programs and cross-disciplinary teams. Ruth’s work has been presented in venues including: MONA (Museum of Old and New Art, Australia), Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, FILE 09 Sao Paulo, Brazil, ACM SIGGRAPH, WIRED Magazine’s NextFest, Perot Museum of Nature and Science, UCLA Fowler Museum, and in peer reviewed forums including IEEE Visualization, IEEE VR, SPIE/IS&T Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality, MIT Leonardo journal and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.  She serves as a Member of the ACM Digital Arts Committee, Chair, Leonardo Education and Art Forum (LEAF), Chair/organizer of the North Texas LASER (Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous), and as a Co-Organizer of the TxHATS (Texas Humanities, Arts, Technology, Science) Network. She has served as Chair, Art Papers ACM SIGGRAPH 2017 and as an art gallery juror and as reviewer for journals/publishers such as Focus/Routledge, Leonardo Journal/MIT press and Engineering with Computers.

Journal Articles:
Special Section: College Art Association Papers

Both and Neither: in silico v1.0, Ecce Homology

August 2005
Special Section: Highlights from the IEEE VIS 2013 Arts Program (VISAP’13): Part 1

DataRemix: Designing the Datamade

October 2015
Art Papers

Art Papers Jury and Introduction

August 2017
Artists' Articles

DreamArchitectonics: An Interactive Audiovisual Installation

April 2018
Art Gallery

Original Narratives Art Gallery

August 2018