Miguel Grassi
Professorat Universidad Nacional de tres de FebreroStudies
Film and Video Maker (MCBA, 1988)
System Analyst (UAJFK, 1993)
Graduate in Systems (UAJFK, 1995)
Post-graduate of Specialization in Biodesign and Mechatronic Products (UBA, 2009)
PhD in Design, (FADU, UBA, 2021). Thesis theme: Spatial Augmented Reality
Teaching Activity
Chaired professor of Mechatronics in the Electronic Arts B.A. of the National University of Tres de Febrero (UNTREF)
Professor of Robotics for artistic environments I and II in the Master in Technology and Aesthetics of Electronic Arts(UNTREF).
Professor of Cientific Ergonomy in the Post-graduate of Biodesign in the Achitecture, Design and Urbanism Facutly (FADU) of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA).
Scientific Investigation Activity
Member of the CIDI, Centre of Investigation in Industrial Design of Complex Products, FADU, University of Buenos Aires (UBA)
Member of the Electronic Arts Group of the UNTREF, integrated to the TV-Arts inter-academic group of investigation conformed with the Popeu Fabra University (Barcelona, Spain) and the Lusophone University of Humanities and Technology (Lisboa, Portugal)
Member of the Artificial Intelligence Investigation Group of the UNTREF, in charge of the project “Artificial Emotions” which develops a model of human conduct, based on FACS and DISC, for computers and robots.
Artistic Activity
Works since 2003 in the convergence field between Arts, Science, Technology and Society.
Participated in numerous works and projects of new media art that have been exposed and/or have been awarded in important events or expositions worldwide.
Published diverse articles in magazines, books and catalogs.