| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Andrés Burbano

Associate Professorat Universidad de Los Andes
Journal Articles:
Art Papers

The Interactive Image: A Media Archaeology Approach

August 2017
Art Gallery

Original Narratives Art Gallery: Introduction

August 2018
Art Gallery

Original Narratives Art Gallery

August 2018
Art Papers

Introducing the SIGGRAPH 2020 Art Papers

August 2020



EPISODE NOTES (click through for transcript and more)

In this special bonus episode looking forward to the 2021 SIGGRAPH conference, we speak with Andrés Burbano, the 2021 Retrospective Program Chair, and discuss the history of computer graphics and creative techniques; Artificial Intelligence, art and social justice; and advice for practitioners wanting to submit their work to the SIGGRAPH art program.