| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Bettina Forget

Director of the SETI Institute’s Artist-in-Residence (AIR) programat SETI Institute
Focus area: , Art History, Astronomy, Space, STEAM, Pedagogy, Education, Fabrication, Maker Art, Illustration, Painting, 2D Forms

Bettina Forget is the Director of the SETI Institute’s Artist-in-Residence (AIR) program and the Director of Visual Voice Gallery, which presents exhibitions that create a dialogue between art and science.

Bettina’s creative work explores the subjects of astronomy, science fiction, and feminism. She has exhibited her work in the USA, Canada, Germany, Iceland, Singapore, and Nicaragua.

She is currently a Public Scholar and doctoral candidate in Art Education at Concordia University, Canada. Her research examines the recontextualization of art and science, and how transdisciplinary education may disrupt gender stereotypes.
bettinaforget.com | visualvoicegallery.com | seti.org/artist-in-residence


Journal Articles:
Artists' Articles

Women With Impact: Taking One Small Step into the Universe | Женщины влияния. Маленький шаг во Вселенную

February 2021



EPISODE NOTES (click through for transcript and more)

This special bonus episode coproduced with the MIT Press Podcast features a conversation between Bettina Forget, director of the SETI institute's artist-in-residence program, and Lindy Elkins-Tanton, principal investigator of the NASA Psyche Mission. Listen as these Leonardo authors discuss the connections between art and science, the flawed idea of the hero, exploration of both land and space, and the complexities of being a woman in a male-dominated field.