Qinqin Liu
interdiciplinary artistat art science interplay
I am an interdisciplinary artist with a Ph. D in biology studies, and art education from University of California, University of Minnesota, New York Art Students League, Otis College in Los Angeles and the School of Visual Arts in New York. I have a long-term passion in integrating art and science for public education. I love to create artwork to envision questions in biology, life cycle, biodiversity and human relationships, and climate risks based on my 30 years’ interdisciplinary experience (http://www.drqliu-artscience.com/). I have completed contemporary bio art work using art, science and technology including florescence cell culture, electron and confocal laser microscopy, computer digital image and 3-D prints. My art work is inspired by natural beauty and great culture and biodiversity on our mother earth. I was taught Chinese ink painting and calligraphy before coming to the US. I work primarily in drawing, Chinese ink, watercolor, acrylic, mixed media and collage to develop 2D and 3D sculpture paintings with natural materials and objects. Integrating Chinese calligraphy and design elements into Western art styles and connecting art and science contribute to the unique character of my impressionist and abstract artwork. My interdisciplinary art works have been exhibited at museums, galleries, corporations and conferences in California, US and Asia.