Jack Ox
Creative Director at Intermedia ProjectsJack Ox is the founder and creative director of Intermedia Projects Inc. This nonprofit is devoted to art/science. They are currently working on the Legacy of Artist/Scientists Online Archive and Education Center. Ox has studied beyond her MFA in visual arts at UCSD and done considerable research in both music theory (Manhattan School of Music, NYC) and phonetics (U. of Cologne) to produce work that visually maps structure from extant examples of music, creating information visualizations. She earned her PhD in 2015 at the Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia in design. Ox participated in Vom Klang der Bilder at the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart in 1985, and made an Ursonate presentation at the Centre Georges Pompidou during the Kurt Schwitters retrospective in Paris in 1994. She exhibited the complete cycle of 12 paintings based on Anton Bruckner’s 8th Symphony at the Neue Galerie der Stadt Linz, Austria (1996). The complete Ursonate was exhibited at the Muzeum Sztuki in Lodz, Poland, in conjunction with the first major Polish Kurt Schwitters exhibition, sponsored by the German government (2004). Since coming to New Mexico, Ox has been performing Ursonate digital projections made from the hand-painted version in collaboration with Kristen Loree’s sung, screamed, graveled performance. Loree, a professor in Theatre at UNM, developed her Ursonate concurrently with but independently from Ox. They have performed together since 2009 beginning at the Chapel Performance Space (Seattle), UNM Composer’s Forum and the Albuquerque Museum (2010), the Bradbury Science Museum, Los Alamos National Labs (LANL), and over the National LambdaRail between UNM’s CARC and Supercomputing11 in Seattle, WA (2011). Ox has been on the editorial board of Leonardo for over 30 years and was guest co-editor of Synesthesia and Intersenses with Jacques Mandelbrojt. She was also co-director of SARC (Scientist Artist Research Collaboration), an ongoing Artist/Scientist project kicking off and showcasing at ISEA2012. This program aims to enable equal and fruitful collaborations between artists and scientists. More recently, Jack Ox and Ken Friedman edited a special section in Leonardo on the artist PhD.