Mike Leggett
Associate researcherat University of Technology SydneyMike Leggett has been working across the institutions of art, education, cinema and media arts since the early-70s. He has a Master of Fine Art (1st Class Hons) from the College of Fine Arts, University of New South Wales; and a PhD from the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology Sydney. With an Australian Postgraduate Award he investigated the precept of visual mnemonics in the development of tools and models for creative interaction with digital motion pictures.
He has film and video artwork in archives and collections in Europe, Australia, North and South America; he practices professionally as an artist, curator and writer; his skill base has included director / producer, editor, photographer, lecturer, manager and computer consultant.
Singaporean Creatures: Histories of Humans and Other Animals in the Garden City
Unearthing the Underworld: A Natural History of Rocks
Hollis Frampton: Navigating the Infinite Cinema
Heimat Is a Space in Time, Chez Jolie Coiffure and The Cordillera of Dreams
Observer/Observed and other works of Video Semiology
Camoupedia— A Compendium of Research on Art, Architecture and Camouflage by Roy R. Behrens. Bobolink Books, Dysart, IA, U.S.A., 2009. 464 pp., illus. Paper. ISBN: 0-9713244-6-8
Locus Solus—Site, Identity, Technology and Contemporary Art
Enactive Cinema—Simulatorium Eisensteinense by Pia Tikka. University of Art and Design Helsinki, 2008. 338 pp., illus. With DVD. Web: www.taik.fi/bookshop. ISBN: 978-951-558-272-0; ISSN: 0782-1832
Casablanca: Movies and Memory by Marc Augé; Tom Conley, trans. University of Minnesota Press, Minnesota, U.S.A., 2009. 120 pp., illus. Trade, paper. ISBN: 978-0-8166-5640-0; ISBN: 978-0-8166-5641-7
A Landscape of Events by Paul Virilio. Julie Rose, trans. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2000. ISBN: 0-262-72034-5. (Original title and publication data: Un paysage d'evenements, Editions Galilee, Paris, France, 1996.)
Cinema of Actuality: Japanese Avant-Garde Filmmaking in the Season of Image Politics
Of Shifting Shadows by Gita Hashemi. Exisle Creations, Toronto, Canada, 2000. CD-ROM. Available from ⟨exisle@excite.com⟩ or through InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Centre
Walking and Mapping: Artists as Cartographers
For a Better World by Mathilde ter Heijne. Mediamatic, Vol. 10, No. 3, Amsterdam, 2001. CD-ROM (Mac/Windows).
Constructing an Avant-Garde: Art in Brazil, 1949–1979
Experimental Cinema in the Digital Age by Malcolm Le Grice. British Film Institute, London, U.K., 2001. 484 pp. Paper. ISBN 0-85170-873-0
Re-Collection: Art, New Media, and Social Memory
Camouflage Cultures: Beyond the Art of Disappearance
Interzone: Media Arts in Australia by Darren Tofts. Craftsman House, Sydney, Australia. New Art Series, Series Editor: Ashley Crawford. 145 pp., illus. Paper. ISBN: 0-9757303-8-X.
Exposing the Film Apparatus: The Film Archive as a Research Laboratory
Generative Systems and the Cinematic Spaces of Film and Installation Art
Screen Ecologies: Art, Media, and the Environment in the Asia-Pacific Region
Media Ecologies: Materialist Energies in Art and Technoculture by Matthew Fuller. A Leonardo Book, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, U.S.A., 2005. 240 pp., illus. Trade. ISBN: 0-262-062-06247-X
Salvador Allende by Patricio Guzmán. First Run/Icarus Films, Brooklyn, NY, 2006. VHS/DVD, 100 min, color, b/w. Distributor's web site: 〈www.frif.com〉
Donna Haraway: Story Telling for Earthly Survival
On Landscapes by Susan Herrington. Thinking in Action series (editors Simon Critchley and Richard Kearney). Routledge, Taylor Francis, New York and London, 2009. 150 pp., illus. Trade, paper. ISBN: 0-415-99124-2; ISBN: 0-415-99125-0
From Grain to Pixel: The Archival Life of Film in Transition by Giovanna Fossati. Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, NL, 2009. Framing Film series. 336 pp. Paper. ISBN: 978-90-8964-139-7; e-ISBN: 978-90-4851-069-6