Leonardo@Djerassi 2016 (Scientific Delirium Madness 3.0) | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Leonardo@Djerassi 2016 (Scientific Delirium Madness 3.0)

From the gallery introduction by Djerassi Executive Director Margot Knight: "Selected from more than 200 applicants and nominees, 11 artists and scientists arrived in July 2016. A biotechnologist, two biologists, a physicist and a geologist plunged themselves into the work of a visual artist, a media artist, a composer, a choreographer, a playwright and a poet. And vice versa. The boundaries between them ebbed and flowed. They wrote together, danced together and biohacked together. They ate together, shared living spaces, blogged about their experiences and offered their work to the public during our annual Open House/Open Studios. Ultimately, they created—together—new ways to think and talk about their practices. They left as lifelong friends and colleagues. They will change the world—we just don’t know exactly how yet."

SDM 3.0 Gallery

2016 Residents

Contemporary Dancer and Choreographer
Media Artist
United States
Creative Technologist
United Kingdom
neuroscientist, cartoonist and illustrator
United States
The Visual & Material Lab
United States
United States
United States
Choreographer and Interdisciplinary Arts Researcher
Writer, Maker and Educator working in Opera, Theatre and Performance
United States
Visual artist
United Kingdom
United States
United States

Blog Posts from the 2016 Residency

By Sue Huang

Using the Djerassi clay, I began to test out an idea that I had been thinking about for the last year. As part of my project Total Archive, I had conceptualized interspecies ghost creatures which...

By Zander Porter

SCORE (reflection-movement-weblog)
─=≡Σ((( つ><)つ for post-internet cyborg in...

By Sue Huang

As promised, here is an update on our wild clay ventures. Over the past weeks leading up to our Open Studios with Leonardo@Djerassi, a group of us processed the collected materials from the...

By Coral Pereda Serras