Graduate Abstracts Database | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Graduate Abstracts Database

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Thesis Title LABS ID Author Degree Year University Advisor(s) Department/Discipline Keywords/Fields of Study
Dark Design: Methodology for Ethics of Generative Modeling Practices in Biodesign Based on Machine, AI and Animal Ethics 4311 Matej Vakula

Ph. D.


Kathryn High, Shawn Lawson, Oron Catts, Robert Nideffer

Electronic Arts / Bioart

bioart, biodesign, bioethics, ai ethics, machine ethics, animal ethics, generative modeling, biotechnology, organ printing, tissue printing, bioprinting, sciart, nonhuman, posthuman, anthropomorphism, correlationism, transhumanism, neural, embryonic stem

The theatrical experience as human transformation: theater and neuroscience of emotions 3519 Dorys Faria Calvert



Christine Hamon-Siréjols


Theater, neurosciences, emotions, neuroplasticity, transformation, theater therapy

Design Intervention in Bhuvan 4281 RAM RAJ VISHVAKARMA

Master of Design


78 Tripti Singh

User Interface Design

ISRO, Bhuvan, NRSC, Geo-Portal, Visual Communication Design, User Experience Design, User interface Design, Design Language, Design Standards, Maps, Material Design.

Auditory Subcultures and Sonic Flights: In Between Sound and Space 4143 Alifiyah Zulfiqar Imani

Master of Arts, Media Arts Cultures


Aalborg University Morten Søndergaard, Paul Oomen

Sound Studies, Media Arts Cultures

sound, space, spatial sound, auditory subculture, aural architecture, reflective practice reflection-in-action, practice-based, sonic environment, sound object, acoustics, listening, ecology

Unveiling Interfaces: A Software Studies Board Game for Algorithmic Literacy 3959 Karla Zavala

MA Media Arts Cultures


Aalborg University Morten Søndergaard

Media Arts Cultures

board game, critical play, software studies, algorithmic literacy, euro-games, practice-led research, critical pedagogy, digital materialism

Sound Art as Media Art Legacy: Documentation of an Endangered Practice 3883 Ina Ciumakova



Aalborg University Morten Søndergaard

Media Art

Sound art installation, media art, documentation, contextualisation

Soft Robots and Artificial Corporealities: Rendering Machines Supple Andrea Tesanovic



Aalborg University Elizabeth Jochum

Department of Communication and Psychology

soft robots, media art and performance, bio-inspired design, human-nonhuman interface, artificial corporeality

Therapeutic Robots in Media Arts Context 4141 Gohar Vardanyan



Aalborg University, Denmark Associate Elizabeth Jochum/Aalborg University, Denmark

School of Communication, Art & Technology/Media Arts Cultures program

robotic art, therapeutic robots, social robots, mimesis, performance, media arts

The Non-Human Turn in Performance Art: Conversations 4134 Boris Abramovic

Master of Arts (MA) in Media Arts Cultures


Aalborg University, Denmark Asst. Elizabeth Ann Jochum

Media Arts Cultures - Joint Master Degree, Department of Communication and Psychology, Aalborg University

Robots and Cyborgs – Performance Art – Cybernetics – Liveness - Emotions and Anxieties

Designing The Virtual Reality Narrative: Embodiment & The Ludonarrative Dissonance 3954 Stefan Palitov

Master of Arts in Media Arts Cultures


Aalborg University, Media Arts Cultures Consortium Morten Søndergaard, Palle Dahlstedt

Media Arts Cultures

virtual reality, extended reality, narratives, interactivity, user experience, ludology, ludonarrative dissonance, embodiment, presence, phenomenology, media art, virtual reality arcades, location-based entertainment