Graduate Abstracts Database | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Graduate Abstracts Database

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Thesis Title LABS ID Author Degree Year University Advisor(s) Department/Discipline Keywords/Fields of Study
Art and Cybernetics. From the world as an interface to the multi-plane system in the time-now 4299 Selcuk Artut


Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) José Ramón Alcalá Mellado


Aesthetic Measurement of Paintings 4174 Zhenbao Fan The University of Texas at Dallas Kang Zhang
Liquid Architectures: Marcos Novak's Territory of Information 3303 Kensuke Ito


Louisiana State University Susan E. Ryan

Art History

multimedia, cyberspace, cybernetics, and algorithms.

The Radiant Unknown: Juan Downey's Aesthetics of Energy Nicolas Holt


McGill University Christine Ross

Art History and Communication Studies

Juan Downey, electromagnetism, media art, ecology, energy humanities

A Straw Man in the Uncanny Valley James Lawton


Goldsmiths University Mattia Paganelli

Department of Computing

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, autonomous systems, data handling

Peepshow 2.0: Interactive Reflections Nooshin Mohtashami


OCAD University Simone Jones

Digital Futures

interactive reflections, digital media, social media, digital performance,
cyberfeminism, interactive, responsive installation, diaspora, social freedom.

UNPREDICTABLE MEMES: Speculative Futures of meme creators' ownership through the Lens of Disruptive Technologies Winter Yan


OCAD University Sara Diamond

Digital Futures

Digital Artifacts, Attention Economy, Creator Ownership, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Participatory Speculation

VIDEOSPHERE: Video Surveillance of the Video Screen Michael Chernoff


University at Buffalo Mark Shepard

Media Study

Video Surveillance, Video Art, Video Installation, Videosphere, Virtual Reality

The Queering of Photography: A Generative Encounter Asa Johannesson


Royal College of Art Johnny Golding


Queer, queering, queer photography, entanglement, ontology, nonhuman agency, generativity, lgbtq, knowledge production, encounter, image materiality, nonbinary, nondialectic, methodology, practice-based research, artistic practice

Communicating Science: Explorations through Science and Art 3517 Eleanor Gates-Stuart


Australian National University Susan M. Stocklmayer AM, David Lovell, Dr Rod Lamberts

Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science

ScienceArt, Science and Art, Collaboration, Insects, Science Museums