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  • 4322
    Landa Maritorena, Kepa "Identification, description, classification and analysis of works based on artistic representation of brain activity data.." PhD in Research in Arts and Humanities , University of Castilla-la Mancha, Fine Arts School of Cuenca, 2016
    Keywords/Fields of Study : Art and brain activity data, data visualization, BCI, Brain computer interface, bio-feedback, EEG, FMRI

    Abstract: This thesis aims to deepen the knowledge of a set of artistic works based on the artistic representation of brain activity data.
    The specific objectives are:
    - the identification of the works,
    - the description of the works,
    - the analysis of the main contributions,
    -their classification of the lines of work, formats and temporal distribution. This thesis compiles 110 projects and 58 artists between the years 1965-2013. It raises a reflection on the contributions and some of the possible classifications that help to understand the value of this set of works.
    The analysis of the group of works and their main coincidences has allowed a series of classifications to be made, which are detailed below:
    -Classification by main lines of work
    -Classification by main orientations
    -Classification of final formats
    -Temporary distribution Among the main lines of work we have the following:
    -the leaked portrait,
    -the construction of reality,
    -the body extended,
    -the look inside the body,
    -what happens when sleeping,
    -conscience and communication,
    -the game,
    -materialize neuronal activity,
    -the political-social messages,
    -experimental music with a non-deterministic tendency,
    -experimental music with a deterministic tendency,
    -the regulation of a system,
    -the brain as a filter,
    -view neuronal activity.
    -the development of interfaces As one of the conclusions reached is that the idea that a physical / firtual ecotone is developing.
    These works deepen the development of an intermediate space between the physical, virtual and mental world. As a hypothesis for future research, it could be suggested that this intermediate space between physical and digital spaces is generating what we could call “ecotone” (from the Greek oikos = house, environment + tone = tension). They are thus named to the intermediate spaces between two ecosystems where conditions and species from both environments are found, as ecologists describe. The development of new ways of inhabiting the digital world, from life systems and artificial intelligence to new forms of socialization, of both "ecosystems" (physical and virtual) becomes increasingly fluid thanks to the development of new doors or interfaces that unite them.

    Department: Art , University of Castilla-la Mancha, Fine Arts School of Cuenca
    Advisor(s): José Ramón Alcalá Mellado PhD