| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Rogerio Bordini

Research collaborator and designerat University of Campinas
Rogério Bordini's profile picture
Focus area: Computer Graphics, Digital Imaging, Animation

Since 2014 works as a game designer of educational games in the Learning Objects Laboratory (LOA - UFSCar) having collaborated in the creation of games awarded in national and international conferences. At the same time, he teaches classes of Digital Arts (3D), develops artistic projects of immersive virtual environments (VR) and gamified mobile applications for psychological treatment. His most recent projects involve the development of GAIA Virtual (Web and VR), a three-dimensional and online version of the Art Gallery of the Art Institute (GAIA UNICAMP) for remote access to art exhibitions; and design and development of the gamified application Noneliness, mobile digital resource for reducing loneliness among young college students.

Journal Articles:
Special Section: Leonardo Abstracts Service: Top-Rated LABS Abstracts 2022

Top-Rated LABS Abstracts 2022

October 2023