| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Morten Søndergaard

Associated Professor, tenure trackat Aalborg University
Morten Søndergaard
Focus area: Art History

Morten Søndergaard (b. 1966 in Copenhagen, Denmark) is a Tenure-track Associate Professor of Media Art and Media Art Curator at Aalborg University where he is also academic director and co-founder of the Erasmus master’s in Media Arts Cultures program. Faculty member of the Media Art Histories master program in Krems, Austria.
He is the co-founder of POM – Politics of Machines Series (w Laura Beloff, Aalto University) and ISACS – International Sound Art Curating Series (w Peter Weibel, ZKM). He holds a transdisciplinary MA in Modern Culture and Cultural Dessimination (University of Copenhagen)(1995) and a transdisciplinary PhD from Performance Design and Data Science (University of Roskilde, Denmark) (2008). He was Curator/Deputy Director at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Roskilde 1999-2008 where he pioneered the inclusion of media art into art museums in Denmark.